Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the next time you watch movie... BEWARE

*this post is the continual of the "Pengumuman" by Andoc Psychocolate*

so, back to the topic, the next tym u watch a movie...

DONT just watch it..
DONT just eat a pop corn till the end of the movie..

instead, THINK. think of the msg behind of the movie.

for starter, try review these movies:
  1. Stargate
  2. the road to el dorado
  3. Star Wars episode 4
  4. Men in Black
hint: it has something to do with the New World Order, something that we have to go against it


--more entries regarding this matter will be posted soon--



  1. perghhh...come on it then..share the knowledge u know...we must stand ground against any risk of harm....

  2. haha, come on lah ni... aku sendiri pon tgh still wat research on this matter.. masih dalam fasa "fact validation"..

    i'll post another interesting fact soon. so please keep on dropping by ye

  3. internet slow..xleh wat research..haha

  4. alasan x leh bla adib..ko blh plak p cc tuk mn garena..haha...

  5. korang ni dari semalam tak abis2 new world order..apakah itu...nantila akak risik2 ngan Andoc...

  6. kan dah suruh carik dulu info die..nanti kite duk bncang...

  7. adib--> khas utk ko: no komen! ;p

    andoc--> bilelah tu nak dok berbincang lg,, huhu.. terase nak merase keadaan semase lepak bersame dgn dak2 switchbacker kat warung mamak Switchback 30 pade malam2 hari.

    kak ja--> tu lah agenda dunia zaman skarang ni kak.. sume org, xkire agama ataupun bangse perlu tau kak.. kes berat ni

  8. ~siot..main garena x ajak ak..n skrang..ak really miss korang..lame x sembang bende 'ilmiah' ni ngan korng..ha3..korng berambus je..kwn2 br ak sme bnyk bincang psl kehidupan dunia (jgn salah sangka..bukan pasal binatang..bnyk dunia percintaan n hubungan..hu3..) je..lame buhsan ak dgr..otak a x berkembang..ha3..

  9. ish3, bob bob.. yg maen garena tu bukannye aku, tapi adib..

    hehe, akhirnye ko ngaku rindu kat kitorg ye.. bagus2..

    actually aku rase bosan dok kat rumah je hari2.. so aku stat r wat research kat bende yg aku minat. tu je

  10. NWO?ko tgk Arrival kt u-tube ke?
