Sunday, December 20, 2009

lost momentum

kepada rakan2 sekalian, ingin ko pohon kemaafan daripade semua yg xputus meng-komen blog ini. aku mengisytiharkan pengunduran buat seketika waktu yg singkat daripada memblog.. rasionalnya? aku hilang arah.. so in order to get back my guidiance, i need to sit back and have a thought.. semoge rakan2 blog yg laen still have the spirit of blogging by the tym i came back...

till then, see ya


  1. mcm spirit ak masa nak temporarily retire dulu...btw, I understand..take yr time....n come back with full HP like Pudge with 6 Heart of Tarrasque...

  2. haha..i dont hv exact figure but of course byk tu nyawa die..tambah lvl 25 n byk bunuh creep n rampage 16 kali, silap2 boleh cecah 10000+...
