Thursday, July 23, 2009

this is why i dont want to be a teacher

if my parents ask me to be a teacher (like how they asked my kaka and my lil bro), then i'd say NO.
well, i'm not being picky whatsoever. actually, i do want to pursue my higher education in economy. but my education life has changed since i had accepted the offer to MRSM Taiping (which is not an economy-streamed school)... so ever since that day, i'm becoming a science student. so this explains why i said i'm not being picky.

being a teacher needs A LOT of patience, which i doubt that i have that MUCH. i prefer to teach an individu (like how i taught my sayang and also Tirah, as well as Ri) rather than a whole class (like a class of 20 ppl).

hmm..apelagi ye 'excuse' utk tidak menjadi guru?


  1. Indeed, teaching requires a lotttt of it. sangat kot.

    another excuse? no need to adhere to certain gov policies which are at times rubbish. ngeh3

  2. individu? then, be a private tutor... hehe, just kidding :)
    i may have patience, but still, i dun wanna be a teacher either. just not good in teaching credibility :)

  3. Alice--> haha,itu die pengakuan sbnr seorg bakal guru

    if--> yeah,tats wat i meant!

  4. iyolah tue, abang dulu nak jadi tentera siap masuk ROTU lagi masa kat Uni dengan harapan bila habis karang serap masuk tentera dalam RAMD, tapi last2 jd cikgu....kawan abang yg 2 3 orang yg tak mantap langsung kat ROTU dulu, jd tentera pulak....pendek kata ikut rejeki.....

  5. hohoo..camtu plak..tapi bukan ke ROTU tu cam just nak isi kekosongan aktiviti ko-kurikulum mase kat U je?
    hmm.. btoi gak tu, last2 ikot rezki gak jawabnyee..
