Tuesday, June 30, 2009

she's my lover

"i gave her a bouquet of flowers and she was soooo happy!"


i wish this serious relationship btwn me and Yumni to work, amiin


  1. lover? as far as i concern, lover is a term used for those you have sex with. don't tell me you already have a sex with her?
    love might be a better term to use.

  2. thanks for the flowers! i really loved it =) it was truly a surprise. hehe. i had no idea u blogged.

    thanks for the wonderful times, so far...

    oh, and i wish for that too =)

  3. hehee.. those real flowers show how real is my love to u, sayang! =)

  4. oh wahai cik wandai yg babeng (yumni 2009), aku tau lah lover tu maksudnye ape... yg ko bangang sangat ingat aku dah wat mende2 apekejadahnye tu apsal? nak mampus?! babi lah anda izwandie..jage mulut tu sikit kalo nak idup lame..silap aribulan aku lipat2 ko jd biskut lidi..

  5. hmph. fold him up to a biscuit, crash it if you wish. those are really flawed. really, when will you ever look out for your words mr W?
