Saturday, April 25, 2009


each of us are given 24hours per day in our life. it is how we manage it that is maters. as for me, i sometimes manage it efficiently but most of the time, i just waste it...

time is always moving forwards. but we, human, dont always move forwards. at times, we even moving backwards. in other words, we are not just didnt achieve anything but also we bring harm or something unnecessary to ourselves.

in my life, i always turned two persons down.. one is a boy and another one is a girl. i didnt realised how they feel until just now, i think back what i've always did on them... it must be upsetting when u hope he wud befriended with you but in the end, he keeps on turning away from you... i regret my past and i feel sorry for myself. why cant i just keep cheering them up?

time heals everything, but hopefully in a way that we want it to be...

P.S: mode --> ape ape je lah rasyiiid


  1. "i always turned two persons down"
    what do u means? always!!!!!
    x serik2 ka

  2. bukan "xserik2 ka" lah andoc.. "xblajo2 lagi ka"..
    tu baru betoi..

    eh salah la ayat tu, silap2.. aku rase yg lebey baek camni: "i used to turned 2 persons down".. hahaa. sempoi

  3. hah..baru smart cam tu.....kire mmg dasyat x kekecewaan y tlh ko lakukan...x dapat ku bayangkan nasib insan istimewa itu...

  4. ni la namenye kehidupan.. kadang2 hepi, kadang2 sedey..
